Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards.
This six parts program aims to help you discover the strength of Microsoft PowerBI as a business intelligence tool & assess the feasibility of it fitting in within your daily work context.
Anyone taking the program schedules a meeting from one of the available meeting markers corresponding to the relevant part in the program.
PowerBI supports over a 100 data sources of different types ranging from relational databases, big data services, online services, flat files and documents, making it a very versatile integrated reporting tool.
Power Query is a data processing and mashup tool within PowerBI, that performs transformations on data including transposing, grouping, pivoting and de-duplication. It also supports data mashups from different data sources by consolidating data into a single dataset for ease of analysis.
Data modeling/modelling is the process of creating a conceptual representation of data objects, the relationships/associations between the different data objects, and the rules that govern those relationships.
Building reports and visualizations in PowerBI allows deriving insights, from the imported data, in order to inform business decisions and create graphical representations to communicate meaning of the underlying data.
A desire to help and empower others builds a strong community
with a desire to grow and impact positive change.
In this first contact session we're going to have a walk-through into what is PowerBI and discuss how it can work for you on a personal and professional basis to help improve and simplify your work.
Available Meeting Times (SAST)
Schedule Meeting Mondays, between: 10am - 12pm | 2pm - 4pm
Schedule Meeting Tuesdays, between: 10am - 12pm | 2pm - 4pm
Schedule Meeting Thursdays, between: 10am - 12pm
Schedule Meeting Fridays, between: 10am - 12pm | 2pm - 4pm
Schedule Meeting Weekends, scheduling discussing required
Click/Press "Schedule Meeting" to send a Whatsapp text or Call (+266) 6723-9722
Lehlohonolo Makoti, Program Trainer
View trainer profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lehlohonolomakoti
Click to send Message: lehlohonolomakoti@gmail.com
In this second contact session we explore the places where you can get your datasets so you play around with the introductory concepts in PowerBi and PowerQuery. We focus on Covid data from OurWorldInData OWID-C19-Dataset, and try to see what kind of insights we can get from it. Lastly we explore the places you can visit to get some great learning resources and meet like-minded individuals doing great work in PowerBi.